That's right, my first name isn't Cast and my last name isn't Cauldron. Thanks, Mom and Dad for the stellar middle name of From A, though.

Back in 2018, I bounced into the CU theatre department office of Harry McEnerny with a script, and a dream. And the script was not the dream. I said: "Hey, I think I wrote a show," and Harry replied with: "You think?" before making the acting students hanging out in his office do a reading right then and there. After they finished, he looked over at me, and just nodded: "I think you wrote a show."

Plays written by Martin VanBuren III

A quick introduction


So, why a cauldron, of all things?

There's something otherworldly and mysterious, yet captivating about how the witches of folklore could transmute the oddest of ingredients into potions & spells of extraordinary impact. Do I have a use for virgin's blood? I hope not. But THEY did...even if it was just their version of Sriracha to spice things up. 

When we create, we're adding ideas and unknowns into something that brews and transforms right before our eyes. A show doesn't come to life without the efforts of many. Collaboration is what makes it all take an ever-evolving form. I love that every person apart of a production brings their own experiences, and ideas, or ingredients, to throw into the pot. 



Whether you're a student group, community organization, school, blackbox, or professional stage, every show on this site is available for licensing/production rights. Fees vary from production to production. Also reach out if interested in reading/workshop opportunities.

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